Tuesday, 31 March 2009

A Rather Great Hiatus

Hey everyone.......I know my posts have kind of just stopped as of late, there is a very good reason for that. My beautiful wife and i are expecting a child in the next few days, if all goes well so i won't be updating very much at all.

If and when is pretty much the best i can offer at the moment so don't hold your breath for anything over the next few months. Once everything has settled down a bit, i will be back sporadically with new posts.

Keep well. Sonic.


  1. Sonic,

    Congratulations to you and your wife! You've done a great job and certainly don't garner the respect you deserve in the blogspot community... listen, if you happen to read this, please email me at shibbydoo2@gmail.com, I have something I'd like to talk to you about, perhaps providing you with some great new material if you ever decide to update again ;)

    Talk soon!

  2. congrats on the baby bud. Hope it all turned out well. Just came across your site today and I really look forward to seeing more posts from you. I just saved about 200 pix from this site. it will serve me well

  3. Many congratulatios, good luck with the diapers!!!



  4. Blue Phoenix is a new kid on the block and has been said to be opening a new blog/site/forum up here in the near future that wont be unlike GITB.

    word has it that GITB passed on his collection, scripts and sources so that Phoenix can pick up where guy left off.

    does anyone know any more about this?

    BTW, congratulations sonic, I hope everything goes well with your wife and baby.

    Thanks for the good blogger,

  5. Can you please add a link to my forum on your blogger. I have added a link to you in my "Links" thread.

    Thank you in advance,
    Blue Phoenix

    (free to join, lurk all you want)

  6. Are there any other natural boobie blogs to go to?
